Fall in number of South Tyneside secondary schools rated good or outstanding

Coun Moira SmithCoun Moira Smith
Coun Moira Smith
The number of South Tyneside secondary schools rated good or outstanding has fallen.

But the borough has the lowest exclusion rate across the North East, according to Ofsted.

The schools inspectorate has issued its Education, Children’s Services and Skills Annual Report for 2018/19 today, Tuesday, January 20.

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It shows the number of secondary schools rated good or outstanding in 2019 was down by 11 %, to 56% – two% lower than the regional average.

St Joseph’s Catholic Academy in Hebburn was downgraded from ‘good’ to ‘requires improvement’ in January 2019.

The percentage of primary schools rated good or outstanding was unchanged at 89%, one point lower than the wider North East.

Just 302 of 8,307 secondary pupils served a period of exclusion in 2017-18, a rate of 3.6%.

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Ofsted Regional Director for the North East Emma Ing said: “Education for younger children in the North East is excellent, with a higher proportion of nurseries, pre-school and primary schools achieving good or outstanding than the national average.

“The picture is not so positive in secondary schools. Too many secondary pupils are simply not getting the education they need to be well prepared for adulthood.

“Use of exclusion is a legitimate option for schools but it must always be justified and in the very best interests of all learners, because exclusion is not always the best thing for those excluded

Councillor Moira Smith, South Tyneside Lead Member for Children, Young People and Families, said: "It is reassuring for families that the performance of our primary schools continues to exceed that of other parts of the country whilst recognising that there is still more to do to drive up standards in secondary schools to ensure every young person has the best start in life.

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"It is also pleasing to see that South Tyneside has one of the lowest school exclusions rates in the North East. While we will not tolerate disruptive behaviour in the classroom, we are committed to working with our schools to share good practice and effective strategies for reducing exclusions and we also help young people learn to behave well so they can maximise their potential. "