Hundreds sign up for inventive Easter egg hunt - here's how you can take part

Just some of the Easter egg designs which could be playing a part in the The Big Neighbourhood Easter Egg Hunt.Just some of the Easter egg designs which could be playing a part in the The Big Neighbourhood Easter Egg Hunt.
Just some of the Easter egg designs which could be playing a part in the The Big Neighbourhood Easter Egg Hunt. | User (UGC)
A North East entrepreneur has come up with a way for children to enjoy ‘Easter eggs’ with a difference.

Fiona Simpson normally spearheads her growing business called Artventurers, which is based in the Sunderland and operates across the North East and beyond.

It is a way for children to enjoy creative play and was formed in 2011. Now, its a UK-wide business with 30 franchise branches including in Hartlepool, East Durham, South Tyneside and Wearside.

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While the UK is under lockdown, she has come up with a way to keep children, and anyone older who wants to get involved, entertained during their permitted daily exercise walk.

Fiona's children Erin and Isaac with their Easter egg designs.Fiona's children Erin and Isaac with their Easter egg designs.
Fiona's children Erin and Isaac with their Easter egg designs. | User (UGC)

She has created the ‘Big Neighbourhood Easter Egg Hunt’ and more than 800 people all over the UK have shown an interest despite Fiona only launching the egg hunt one day ago.

Fiona, who won the Business Woman of the Year title at the 2019 Wearside Women In Business Awards, said: “It's just all about a bit of extra fun and Easter magic for the kids and what is going to be a strange Easter weekend for us all.

“It is called the Big Neighbourhood Easter Egg Hunt and we're asking people to get their children to decorate an Easter egg shape and display it in their windows.

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“Then, when children and their parents are out and about on their daily exercise, they can take part in the hunt by seeing how many they can spot.

Fiona Simpson of Artventurers who has launched The Big Neighbourhood Easter Egg Hunt.Fiona Simpson of Artventurers who has launched The Big Neighbourhood Easter Egg Hunt.
Fiona Simpson of Artventurers who has launched The Big Neighbourhood Easter Egg Hunt. | User (UGC)

“We launched it by creating a Facebook group which people can join. There is an Easter egg template that people can print off and use if they want to or just create their own. It's about getting kids to be creative and come up with their own egg designs.

“Then we're going to be putting a Hunt Sheet in the group that people can use to mark off how many they spot on their exercise walk, or they can just keep a tally themselves.

“I started it here in Sunderland and invited my local friends to join but already overnight we've got people from all over the country wanting to take part.”

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To join in, visit the The Big Neighbourhood Easter Egg Hunt page on Facebook.

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