'Bring him home!': Newcastle United fans urge Rafa Benitez to swoop for international midfielder

Yohan Cabaye is now a free agent - could a Newcastle return be on the cards?Yohan Cabaye is now a free agent - could a Newcastle return be on the cards?
Yohan Cabaye is now a free agent - could a Newcastle return be on the cards?
Former Newcastle United midfielder Yohan Cabaye is now a free agent - and supporters have urged Rafa Benitez to swoop for his services.

The French international has been released by UAE-based side Al-Nasr, just six months into a two-year deal.

Cabaye, who left the Magpies for PSG in 2014 after racking up over 90 appearances for the club, was one of a trio of international stars to be released by new manager Benat San Jose.

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That means the 32-year-old is now on the lookout for his fourth club since leaving St James's Park - and fans have called on Benitez to bring the former fans' favourite back to Tyneside.

Here's what supporters have been saying about the midfielder on social media:

@_aarongallagher tweeted: "@rafabenitezweb bring him home"

@UptoonFunk8 added: "So Yohan Cabaye is available on a free transfer at 32 he'd be a useful addition to the squad his experience would help our midfield massively so I think it's worth a punt on a short-term deal but then I remember Mike Ashley owns"

@andrew14ad argued: "Ridiculous that #NUFC would take back the ultimate betrayal in #cabaye he can’t even hack it in the Middle East"

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@Nufcportal said: "Cabaye on a free transfer? hmmm, I'll take him back. Right now, I'll take anything"

@TaylorandBetsy commented: "All these people saying we should bring Yohan Cabaye back. I loved him at #NUFC when he joined, but that was when he was 27, had played CL, had regular football, hadn't gone on strike to force a move to Arsenal..."

@k_proudfoot posted: "Would absolutely love hearing the news #nufc have got Cabaye back in on a free. Would still do a job. No like we're gonna pay a transfer fee"

@DeanLeybourne added: "Properly scraping the barrel here, but get Cabaye and Rossi (Who is training with Man U). Both on a free. Better than nowt."

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@bolam80 posted: "Right then, almiron will cost North of 20m and allegedly wants 100k a week. Or, cabaye on a free. It's a no brainer. It's obvious. We'll get neither."

@CBennet_12 tweeted: "Yes I’d take Cabaye back 100%, yes it’s at least 50% down to the fact that right now we really don’t have Centre mids"

@_jonathandc said: "Talk of people wanting Cabaye back at #NUFC - short memories? no thanks.