Call for views on pland for Newcastle Airport

Newcastle International AirportNewcastle International Airport
Newcastle International Airport
People in te North East are running out of time to contribute to shaping the future of Newcastle International Airport.

The Airport began a consultation in May to get the views of the public on their Masterplan 2035 project.

Passengers and businesses are being reminded that the deadline for the submission of comments is September 13.

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The draft plan, which sets out the award-winning airport’s goals for its centenary year, will enable it to continue to improve the region’s global links and improve economic benefits to the North East.

Graeme Mason, planning and corporate affairs director, said: “The airport has grown from strength to strength in recent years and our Masterplan 2035 sets out a plan to ensure it continues to grow and continues to compete in the global economy, not just for the benefit of the airport but the region as a whole.

“Since May we have held public meetings and drop in sessions in the local communities around the airport to allow residents to ask questions and to provide feedback on our draft plan.

“We have seen high levels of engagement so far, with feedback being provided via the public meetings, social media and our website. However, with the consultation closing date drawing nearer we don’t want anyone to miss out on providing their views.”

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Newcastle International Airport has had more than £250m in investment over the last 30 years and seen nearly ten years of sustained growth. The masterplan aims to ensure there is a framework in place to enable the airport to grow in the years to 2035 and is based on a forecast growth scenario of up to 9.4 million passengers by then.

The full planning document and information on how to respond can be found at

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