Drunk threatened to 'smash' policeman's face after being arrested for early hours disturbance

South Tyneside Magistrates Court.South Tyneside Magistrates Court.
South Tyneside Magistrates Court.
A handcuffed drunken South Shields man threatened to ‘smash’ a policeman’s face after being arrested for causing an early hours disturbance, a court heard.

Stephen Hunter, 23, was arrested in Marigold Walk, West Harton. but could remember little of the 4am incident on Tuesday, December 6.

Prosecutor Paul Anderson told magistrates: “Police were alerted to someone making a disturbance.

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“He was banging on doors. He had a pedal cycle with him and walked towards the police.

“He asked them what he had done in fairly colourful terms. An officer tried to calm him down, but he swore.

“Inevitably, he was arrested for being drunk and disorderly. He also threatened to smash the officer’s face if he took the cuffs off.”

Hunter, of Dovedale Court, admitted being drunk and disorderly.

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“David Forrester, defending, said: “He doesn’t have much memory of this, perhaps not surprisingly. It’s Christmas time and he had drank too much.”

Magistrates fined Hunter £40, with £85 court costs and a £66 victim surcharge.