Jarrow man left ex-partner with 12 injuries in attack after she tried to move her belongings out of his flat

The case was heard at Newcastle Crown CourtThe case was heard at Newcastle Crown Court
The case was heard at Newcastle Crown Court
A man who caused 12 injuries to his ex-partner in an attack as she tried to move her belongings out of his flat has kept his freedom.

Khaled Aziz lashed out at his victim when she went to collect her things following an argument between the pair while they were out for drinks.

Newcastle Crown Court heard that Aziz, 26, caused injuries to her arm, hand, neck and legs.

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Prosecutor James Howard said: "They had been drinking between 5pm and 8pm on June 25 and had an argument.

"The defendant returned to his address but she did not immediately go with him.

"A short time later she did return to the apartment and started packing up her belongings."

The court heard Aziz then assaulted the woman after squaring up to her, causing 12 injuries in total across her arm, hand, neck and legs.

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Mr Howard said that in the course of the assault, the complainant managed to contact a friend who was able to ring the police, who arrived soon after.

Aziz, who has 15 previous offences on his record but none related to violence, pleaded guilty to assault occasioning actual bodily harm.

Judge Timothy Gittins told Aziz, who appeared at the hearing over a video link from custody, that the relationship had become "turbulent."

Judge Gittins added: "You accept that you caused injury to her on that night in June.

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"After drinking on the Quayside you returned to your accommodation that you had been renting and an argument whether she would stay or go descended into violence and you assaulted her."

Aziz, of Wye Avenue in Jarrow, was sentenced to an 18-month community order as well as an order to attend a building better relationship programme.

He was also made subject of 20 days rehabilitation requirement.

The judge said Aziz must learn the error of his ways.

He added: "You have no previous convictions for violence.

"You need it made clear to you over a lengthy period of time that is no way to treat anyone, least of all a partner."

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The court heard Aziz has spent time in custody in relation to the attack.

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