Jarrow serial sex offender jailed after breaching ban by communicating with girl in USA

Colin LowrieColin Lowrie
Colin Lowrie
A serial sex offender is behind bars for having secret cross-Atlantic conversations with a 15-year-old.

Colin Lowrie is banned from having contact with children as a result of his long criminal history of sexual offending.

But when police attended his home and seized his phone in August, they found a record of a conversation the 26-year-old had been having with a schoolgirl in America.

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Prosecutor Philip Morley told Newcastle Crown Court the illegal chat had taken place on an app and Lowrie, who was out on licence from prison, had used the profile name "Colin Lowrie 666".

He said: "He had engaged in chat with another user of that app. The user had a profile picture of a young teenage female.

"During the course of the conversations this person confirmed they were 15 years of age on three occasions.

"The defendant continued to chat to her and suggested that the female should use Whatsapp."

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He said the conversations that followed were "generally benign" but at one point Morley had said "stay safe babe" and put three kisses at the end.

Lowrie also asked "if she liked older guys" and then asked if she would "date him".

The court heard the teen replied: "I don't know you and I'm 15 and you are 26. My parents would kill me."

Mr Morley said the risk management officer had seized the phone because Lowrie gave "inconsistent accounts" about his internet activities when questioned during the visit.

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Lowrie, of St. Paul's Road, Jarrow, admitted breach of a sexual harm prevention order and failing to comply with sex offender notification requirements by not disclosing his address to the police as instructed.

The court heard his previous convictions include sexual assaults, outraging public decency and inciting a child to engage in sexual activity.

His recent conversations with the teen, in Kentucky, USA, were his fourth breach of the sexual harm prevention order, which was imposed last year and lasts for a decade.

Judge Robert Spragg sentenced Lowrie to 16 months and said: "You present a risk to the public".

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The judge told him: "Only the good sense of the girl involved meant this didn't escalate further."

Vic Laffey, defending, said the girl Lowrie was chatting to was in America and his offending "did not reach the level" of his previous convictions.

The court heard Lowrie had a troubled childhood, was diagnosed with ADHD and has a history of mental health problems.

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