South Shields driver hit speeds of up to double the limit during police chase

Syed Ahmed.Syed Ahmed.
Syed Ahmed.
A young driver who hit speeds of up to double the limit during a police chase has been spared jail.

Syed Ahmed got behind the wheel of a VW Golf and drove through a red light whilst ignoring give way signs in a bid to avoid officers in June last year.

Newcastle Crown Court heard that the 22-year-old began driving the car as his friend, who owned the vehicle and was a passenger, had been drinking.

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However, police noticed the car driving suspiciously in South Shields, and when they signalled Ahmed to pull over, he sped off.

Prosecutor Neil Jones said: "The road conditions on the morning were dry, dawn was breaking, visibility really was quite good.

"There were no other road users near.

"That being said, however, the speed of the defendant's vehicle was up to in excess of 50mph at one stage in a built-up area."

Mr Jones told the court Ahmed also drove straight over roundabouts, through bus-only lanes and on the wrong side of the road.

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His speed approached 60mph but he was eventually stopped when he was forced into a dead end.

Mr Jones added: "He attempted to flee but was pursued on foot but was caught on Westoe Road.

"He is lightly convicted with one previous conviction in respect of three offences."

Ahmed, of Marshall Wallis Road, South Shields, was also found in possession of a small amount of cannabis.

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Vic Laffey, mitigating, said the driving didn't cause any injury or damage but conceded that was more down to luck than anything else.

Mr Laffey said: "Fortunately it wasn't as bad as some dangerous driving offences that end up in this court.

"I think it's fair to say he has learned his lesson."

Ahmed pleaded guilty to dangerous driving and possession of cannabis and was on bail at the time for a previous matter.

Judge Sarah Mallet said his offending was so serious that a prison term was justified, but was satisfied it could be suspended.

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The judge told him: "It is an aggravating factor that you were trying to escape from the police and you were on bail, and that you had a passenger in the car.

"But fortunately luck was on your side and no one was injured and no property was damaged.

"You have some caring responsibilities for your father and you have an offer of work subject to references and that is, I understand, full-time work if you are lucky enough to get it."

She sentenced him to eight months behind bars, suspended for 21 months with rehabilitation requirements.

Ahmed was also banned from driving for two years and must pass an extended re-test, as well as abide by a night-time curfew for six months.