South Tyneside dad jailed for four years after headbutting one ex-girlfriend and repeatedly punching another

Carl Jones.Carl Jones.
Carl Jones.
A dad who left a former partner scarred after headbutting her twice and repeatedly punched another girlfriend in a Valentine’s Day attack has been jailed.

Carl Jones assaulted one woman in a nightclub attack on December 22, 2017, and another after a play fight on February 14 last year.

Newcastle Crown Court heard the 36-year-old had previously perforated one of his victim's ear drums and was subject to a restraining order against her before he left her "bleeding heavily" in a brutal assault caught on CCTV, just days before Christmas.

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Jessica Slaughter, prosecuting, said Jones headbutted his first victim twice after seeing her on a night out with friends and then sent her messages on social media following the attack, which left her with injured eyes, to say "he did not want any ****".

The court heard that Jones attacked the second woman at her home after she accidentally scratched him while they were play fighting.

Jones followed her to her bedroom and pushed his head into her head as she shouted for him to stop.

He then repeatedly punched her to the head, leaving her in considerable pain, with bruising, swelling and a chipped tooth. As he was leaving the address he also made threats such as "I'll be back tomorrow to finish you off".

Miss Slaughter read victim impact statements to the court.

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Speaking on behalf of the first victim she said: "As a result of being headbutted I have been left with a scar on my face I am always conscious of.

"I have lived in and I am still living in fear of Carl Jones.

"I only go out of the house when I need to.

"I constantly look over my shoulder.

"I am terrified to engage in another relationship.

"After all this time I feel like I am still coming to terms with the abusive relationship. I am realising just how much he was affecting me.

"I feel very vulnerable, I feel no protection whatsoever of the restraining order.

"For the past two years I have had this hanging over me.

"I think I have suffered enough now.

"I just want to rebuild my life for me and my children."

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She added, on behalf of the second victim: "I do not want him back in my life."

Miss Slaughter told the court that Jones had multiple previous convictions, including for domestic violence.

Christopher Morrison, defending, said Jones had made an "expression of remorse".

Mr Morrison added: "He knows the way he has behaved, he knows it is wrong and if he could go back and change things he would."

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Jones, of Greenlands, Jarrow, pleaded guilty to two counts of assault occasioning actual bodily harm and one count of breaching a restraining order.

He was sentenced to four years imprisonment with a one year extended licence and given two indefinite restraining orders against both victims.

Judge Amanda Rippon said: "There is only one appropriate sentence in your case and that is immediate custody.

"Both of the assaults are aggravated by a number of important factors.

"You have previous relevant convictions for assaulting (one of the victims) and others before.”