Ten year ban for Jarrow man who attacked partner

Stephen Brady appeared at Newcastle Crown CourtStephen Brady appeared at Newcastle Crown Court
Stephen Brady appeared at Newcastle Crown Court
A man who ‘flipped’ and attacked his partner and threatened her with a knife has been ordered to stay away from her for 10 years

Stephen Brady punched and kicked his victim as she screamed for help and continued the violent onslaught as she went to the floor of her home.
Brady, 42, - who has convictions for 96 previous offences - also assaulted two police officers who were called to the scene.
The court heard Brady had been at the woman’s home in South Shields last September and they had both been drinking.
The court heard when police who were called to the house  tried to restrain Brady, one was kicked in the thigh and jaw and another was spat on.
Brady, of Chillingham Road, Jarrow, pleaded guilty to assault and two charges of assaulting a police officer.
He was sentenced to 20 months behind bars, suspended for two years, with rehabilitation requirements.
He was also made the subject of a ten year restraining order to keep him away from the victim.
Judge Amanda Rippon told Brady: “The people in that house must have been frightened to death. Make no mistake about it, you were out of control and drunk.”
She added: “You were described as flipping and beginning to attack her.
“You punched her in the head and she began to scream.
“She fell to the floor and you continued to punch and kick her as she lay on the floor.
“You picked up a knife and began to threaten her, she continued to scream.”
Judge Rippon said it was a “sustained and repeated assault, with kicks”.
The judge said the sentence could be suspended as Brady has served the equivalent of a 16 month sentence on remand, where he had made real efforts to deal with his problems.
The  court heard Brady produced references that describe him as becoming a “different person” during his time in jail and someone who is “polite, thoughtful, honest” and is assisting younger prisoners.
Christopher Knox, defending, said: “He behaved abysmally. He accepts that.”