Darts marathon hits the bullseye for Heartcall

Representatives from the darts marathon with staff from South Tyneside District Hospital's cardiac unit.  From left, Ernie Metcalf, John Wilkinson, Alison Jones, Jim Taroni, Maureen Amess, Suzanne Appleby and John Maughan.Representatives from the darts marathon with staff from South Tyneside District Hospital's cardiac unit.  From left, Ernie Metcalf, John Wilkinson, Alison Jones, Jim Taroni, Maureen Amess, Suzanne Appleby and John Maughan.
Representatives from the darts marathon with staff from South Tyneside District Hospital's cardiac unit. From left, Ernie Metcalf, John Wilkinson, Alison Jones, Jim Taroni, Maureen Amess, Suzanne Appleby and John Maughan.
A darts marathon has raised money for the Heartcall Appeal.

The event, held at Shields Snooker Centre, Chichester Road, raised money to help buy coronary care equipment for South Tyneside District Hospital.

Thirty-five people took part in the maratahon.

Players from the Snooker Centre’s darts teams and families and guests from the Beehive dart team played. Both teams are members of the town’s Old Shields Dart League.

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Eight young men from the White Horse also joined in for a few hours and contributed to the funds.

Host John Maughan provided refreshments throughout the day, and the organisers would like to thank everyone who donated raffle prizes and the customers who bought tickets and sponsored the players.

Jim Taroni, who organised the event, said: “At the end of the evening we announced that on the day day we had made £360 for the charity. At this point, two gentlemen put their hands in their pockets and handed me £20 each.

“I thanked them warmly for their generosity and said I hope they never need the services of the Cardiac Unit. They both then opened their shirts to reveal the scars on their chests. I failed to get their names but it showed their thanks to STDH Cardiac Unit.”

Now all the sponsorship money has been collected a cheque for £1,000 was presented to Heartcall.

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