Dealer who sold class B drug mephedrone to friends walks free from court

Newcastle Crown Court. Pic: Google Images.Newcastle Crown Court. Pic: Google Images.
Newcastle Crown Court. Pic: Google Images.
A drug dealer who sold MCat to pals has walked free from court.

Paul Nichols was collared when police searched his home last April and found bags of the class B drug mephedrone in the kitchen and in his bedroom.

The 23-year-old, who has never been in trouble before, pleaded guilty to to possession of the drug, know as MCat, with intent to supply.

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Newcastle Crown Court heard Nichols admitted that the drugs found in his bedroom at the shared flat in Wharton Street, South Shields, were for his own supply and to sell on to friends who were users.

Judge Deborah Sherwin sentenced Nichols to 10 months imprisonment, suspended for 18 months, with programme requirements and 200 hours unpaid work.

He was ordered to pay £2,000 costs.

The judge warned him: “I very much hope you have learnt your lesson because of this.

“I am hopeful that the courts will never see you again.”

The court heard Nichols regrets his behavior, has a pregnant girlfriend, a good work ethic and has not been in any trouble before or since.

Graeme Cook, defending, submitted references to Nichols’ normally positive character to the judge.

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