Former South Tyneside welder takes next step in craft career

KL Metal Art. Keith LynnKL Metal Art. Keith Lynn
KL Metal Art. Keith Lynn
A welder who turned his talents for creating bespoke gifts into a business has taken the next step into the world of self-employment.

Keith Lynn discovered his creative skills after using scrap and waste metal left over from restoring a car to create a robot dog and motorbikes.

He launched his own business KL Metal Art, last year, working from a garage at home, making bespoke gifts and items.

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KL Metal Art. Keith LynnKL Metal Art. Keith Lynn
KL Metal Art. Keith Lynn

But since then he has seen demand for his items swell to the point where he has outgrown his garage.

He has now set up base within unit 13 on St Hilda’s Industrial Estate, where he hopes to be able to create bigger and better things – including garden ornaments and seating – for his customers.

Mr Lynn, a former welder and fabricator of 24 years, said: “I’d basically outgrew the garage and I was struggling to keep up with demand and storage of the scrap metal that I needed.

“To take things on, I knew I needed to find bigger premises to run the business from.

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KL Metal Art. Keith LynnKL Metal Art. Keith Lynn
KL Metal Art. Keith Lynn

“I’ve had a lot of requests to do larger garden furniture and larger items but because of the space I had to decline the work.

“But now, having the new premises it means I can take those orders on.”

A collection of his work is available to view on his website and Facebook page, including animals, musical instruments and name signs – but they are now also available to see within the unit.

People can also come down and have a look at what has been made rather than just look at a photo on a website or Facebook page,” he added.

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“Since I started to run this as a business, there has been a lot of interest in what I do and the items that I’m making.

“I’m looking forward to taking on the next chapter of my business.”

Mr Lynn, from Eyemouth Court, Simonside, added he is always on the look-out for scrap metal which he can turn into works of art.

He is appealing to any garages or industrial premises who have any scrap metal to contact him.

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For information on K L Metals, to inquire about the creation of a unique custom-made gift, or to see what is available for sale now, people can visit the website or his Facebook page.