Hebburn Helps nominated for Best of South Tyneside Award

Hebburn Helps founders Angie Comerford and Jo Durkin.Hebburn Helps founders Angie Comerford and Jo Durkin.
Hebburn Helps founders Angie Comerford and Jo Durkin.
Two women who are on a mission to help those in need have been recognised for their efforts by those they support.

Angie Comerford and Jo Durkin, who set up Hebburn Helps (Crisis Response)to support struggling families, have been nominated for a Best of South Tyneside Award.

Angie, 41, and Jo, 49, from Hebburn, launched the organisation, based at South Tyneside Children’s Centre, in Campbell Park Road, back in 2015.

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Best of South Tyneside Awards sponsors.Best of South Tyneside Awards sponsors.
Best of South Tyneside Awards sponsors.

It works to help struggling families through donations of food parcels, clothing, household items and provides drop-ins sessions for people seeking benefits advice and those aged 16-24 who are facing homelessness.

And now the work of the organisation, which has a number of volunteers, has been recognised by way of a nomination for the Community Champion Award in the Gazette’s annual awards.

The awards look to honour those who have made a difference in their community.

On their nomination, mum-of-four Angie said: “It is amazing, and we are so proud to be nominated.

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“We were just a food bank when we started, but we are a whole lot more than that now. We help struggling families across the whole of South Tyneside in whatever way we can.”

The organisation has taken a number of steps to relieve some of the financial pressure faced by parents during the six-weeks holiday, by launching club that provides meals twice a week and a range of activities to help keep youngsters entertained.

Hebburn Helps is also making daily packed lunches for youngsters and parents will also have the opportunity to pick up school uniforms that have been donated.

Angie added: “We have launched a summer club called the Grub Club after receiving government funding and it is held on Mondays and Wednesdays at St Oswald’s Church Hall, providing a free breakfast and lunch for children.

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“We have also got an ongoing uniform and packed lunch scheme which provides that extra meal for children during the holidays.

“We rely on donations for this and the public have been amazing.”

The Best of South Tyneside awards, this year, have the backing of Barbour; Harlow Printing Limited; JML; BT South Tyneside and Northumbrian Water.

Those shortlisted for an awards will be honoured at an awards ceremony at the Roker Hotel on Wednesday, September 19, compered by Ray Spencer from the Customs House.

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To nominate someone for an award, please send us the full name, phone number and email address, of the person you wish to nominate and the category you want to nominate them for, along with a brief description of why they are worthy for an award.

Send your entries by email to: [email protected] or posted to: Lynn Wild, Alexander House, Second Floor, Rainton Bridge Business Park, Houghton-le-Spring, Sunderland, DH4 5RA.

The categories

Role Model.

Neighbour of the Year.

Greener South Tyneside.

Child of Achievement.

Fundraiser of the Year.

Entrepreneur of the Year.

Carer of the Year.

Sporting Excellence/ Young Sportsperson of the Year.

Sports Team of the Year.

Community Champion.

Student of the Year.

Community Group.

Volunteer of the Year.

Child of Courage.

Young Performer of the Year.

Lifetime Contribution.

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