Hike in controversial green bin charge will see thousands paying more for garden waste collections in South Tyneside

Green binsGreen bins
Green bins
Householders with gardens are set to be hit with a hike in the unpopular green bin charge.

Householders must now pay £32 for their waste to be removed, a £2 increase – or 6.6 per cent jump - on the current year.

The controversial charge was introduced in South Tyneside in spring 2017 as part of budget-balancing measures by the council in face of millions of pounds in cuts.

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Previously green bins had been emptied free of charge, and the scheme's introduction provoked anger throughout the borough.

But despite the backlash, it is believed around 6,000 households signed up in the first year.

Originally householders were offered an early bird rate of £25 if they signed up for the scheme by April 2017, meaning the new charge represents a 28% rise on the original fee offered.

Councillor Nancy Maxwell, Lead Member for Area Management and Community Safety, said: "We hope that residents will continue to take advantage of the Garden Waste Collection Service.

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“It offers people a hassle-free collection service while allowing them to do their bit for the environment.

“Through this service they can recycle a range of garden materials, including hedge trimmings, leaves, twigs, cut flowers, house plants and weeds.

“It is important to note that green waste bins can be shared between neighbours which will help to reduce the cost to individual households.

“This option may be particularly useful for those who have small gardens.

Residents can sign up online. It’s really quick and easy to do.”

The 2018 collection round ended last month but residents are already being urged to register for its resumption in April.