'It's the definition of insanity!': Newcastle fans react to Jamie Carragher's explosive comments

Newcastle fans have been quick to react to the commentsNewcastle fans have been quick to react to the comments
Newcastle fans have been quick to react to the comments
Newcastle United fans have taken to social media to react to Jamie Carragher's explosive comments on the state of the club.

In his column for the Daily Telegraph, the ex-Liverpool defender has claimed that manager Rafa Benitez is 'wasted' at Newcastle United and that he has to leave the 'failing' club.

He also accused the club's hierarchy of having 'zero ambition' and claims that it is a case of when, not if, the Spaniard departs.

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READ: Jamie Carragher's explosive rant in fullAnd Newcastle supporters have been quick to respond to Carragher's comments, with plenty of support for the former England international's strongly-worded comments.

Some, however, felt that Benitez could still flourish at the club - but not while Mike Ashley was still owner.

Here's the best of the reaction from fans on social media:

@LaurentAlhadeff said: "As a Newcastle fan, I couldn't agree more. He's being treated like dirt by a disgraceful owner. Mike Ashley only wants another yes man like Pardew or Mclaren. Guess we'll be going the same way as Sunderland soon unfortunately."

MORE: Rafa Benitez calls on the FA to 'deal with' Crystal Palace man"He’s there for a reason. It’s a special club being suffocated by a greedy owner. Under a different regime, #NUFC would be a particularly attractive club to be at," argued @TimElgin.

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@sirbobbyliveson added: "As much as it pains me Jamie, you’re absolutely right, and when he leaves he’ll go with my blessing and thanks, along with a bucket load of what ifs"

"Bang on, Carra. Ashley isn't bothered about the clubs future, we're just an advertising platform to him, he's more bothered about his retail portfolio," @LostBoyNUFC180 said.

@TomHadwin3 added: "He's right here.. as much as it breaks all are hearts. Why is he at #NUFC? A manager if his calibre operating with next to no budget constantly being made to find Miracles just to survive.. It shows romance is still in football just by him staying loyal to the fans,"

READ: Roy Hodgson has 'sympathy' for Benitez at Newcastle"Everyone keeps saying things won't change at #nufc until Ashley goes, yet we still get 50k + at every home game. That is the definition of insanity. I haven't bought a ticket for over 5 years and massively miss match day. But if the majority would do the same, he'd have to sell," said @AJK316.

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@DugChugs said: "When Rafa came to Chelsea I was against it. He proved us wrong, not everyone agrees but I grew so much respect for him from that. And now I’m so surprised he hasn’t resigned yet. The guys determination is unreal and he is indeed wasted there."

"The guy had no right to stay with us when we got relegated but he did. I’ve no doubt the only reason he’s staying is he’s praying for a takeover - he clearly wants to take us places," posted @MrJohny82.