'Justice for Clark': Newcastle United fans react after Monday's match winner is dropped against West Ham

Newcastle United defender Ciaran Clark impressed against Burnley.Newcastle United defender Ciaran Clark impressed against Burnley.
Newcastle United defender Ciaran Clark impressed against Burnley.
Newcastle United manager Rafa Benitez has made one change to his side for today's game against West Ham at St James's Park.

Following Monday's 2-1 victory at Burnley, Javier Manquillo has replaced Ciaran Clark at the back, with the latter dropping to the bench.

Most Newcastle fans were confused by the decision, after Clark scored the Magpie's second goal at Turf Moor.

Here's how some fans reacted on social media.

@Toon_Magpie: "Justice for Clark"

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@robbie_tyas: "Manquillo...Seriously? Clark had a superb game against Burnley... Let’s grab another win today"

@Adrian____29: "Would be perfect if Clark started instead of Manquillo"

@darro74: "Would rather play an actual remote control wheelie bin instead of manquillo. #nufc"

@Carrollsinger: "Manquillo you having a laugh Clarke deserves his place in the side but rafa knows best"

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@Bigalanmc: "I'm hoping that Rafa hasn't shot himself in the foot bringing in Manquilo for Clark who played very well last game, I'm feeling a bit sorry for him but hope Rafa proves me wrong"

@ReeceHope3: "Clark hard done by"

@scxttnufc: "Why change a winning team?"

@JamesP1992: "Strange to drop Clark... He had a great game on Monday #NUFC"

@reecemcdonald93: "No @C___Clark? Strange decision #NUFC"

@DaveNUFCWhite: "What’s wrong with that? Just means we’re going with a back 4 and I wouldn’t like to see Clark at left back, did well in a back 3 last week but he doesn’t have the pace to get up and down the wing."