Letter of the week: Want to know what's wrong with South Shields?

Our letter writer describes the proposed South Shields transport interchange as "totally unnecessary". Do you agree?Our letter writer describes the proposed South Shields transport interchange as "totally unnecessary". Do you agree?
Our letter writer describes the proposed South Shields transport interchange as "totally unnecessary". Do you agree?
In his letter, Saturday June 2, Jack Wiffin asks our council to wake up to their responsibilities, mentioning the filthy state of South Shields thoroughfares; always pontificating about the Word and the renovated shambles of the market place, the latter of which one could easily put more crudely.

Anyway apart from my particular gripe that the space the Word occupies would have been better used as an indoor market (the library being put back to its rightful place with the museum in Ocean Road), one thinks it was shameful of the council to go begging to the Lottery fund for £million to turn the North Marine Park back to Victorian times, when millions of quid is owed in council house rent.

And if the Victorian railway station situated in Mile End Road had been brought back to life there would have been no need for all the violent disturbance of land off Keppel Street, which included the demolition of the town’s main post office etc. making way for a totally unnecessary grand transport interchange.

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And finally if the Labour-dominated council want more folk to visit South Shields why the heck did they blitz the public toilets at the Pier Head?

Ken Johnson,South Shields.

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