Life's a beach on award-winning South Shields sands

Coun Moira Smith and Outdoor Facilities OfficerAlan Maving with the Blue Flag and Seaside Awards.Coun Moira Smith and Outdoor Facilities OfficerAlan Maving with the Blue Flag and Seaside Awards.
Coun Moira Smith and Outdoor Facilities OfficerAlan Maving with the Blue Flag and Seaside Awards.
One of South Shields' most popular beaches beach has once again won two coveted national awards '“ marking its status as one of the best in the world.

Sandhaven Beach has achieved the Blue Flag status and secured the Seaside Award for the twelfth year running, from leading environmental charity, Keep Britain Tidy.

The awards act as a guarantee that South Tyneside has one of the best beaches in the world.

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Families enjoy sunny weather on Sandhaven Beach.Families enjoy sunny weather on Sandhaven Beach.
Families enjoy sunny weather on Sandhaven Beach.

Both the Blue Flag and Seaside Awards are the quality marks for beaches and mean that visitors can be sure that they top-notch facilities, are clean and safe and meet the highest environmental standards.

The awards also acknowledge that Sandhaven has met the required European Union standards for water quality.

Coun Moira Smith, the South Tyneside Council’s lead member for area management and community safety, said: “We are thrilled that Sandhaven Beach has received the Blue Flag and Seaside Awards once again.

“It is one of South Tyneside’s best assets, attracting thousands of visitors every year.”

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She added: “These awards, which are not given out lightly, are yet another ringing endorsement of the quality experience and superb facilities that visitors to Sandhaven can enjoy.

“Our staff and partners work extremely hard to maintain such high standards.

“These awards are recognition of their commitment and dedication to keeping our beaches looking their best and making sure they are clean and safe for both residents and visitors alike. Well done to all those involved.”

Sandhaven is listed among 65 beaches in the UK to receive the Blue Flag award and one of 125 to secure the Seaside Award.

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Only 42 beaches achieved both awards – including Roker and Seaburn.

Keep Britain Tidy’s chief executive Allison Ogden-Newton said: “The success of the 148 beaches in reaching the very high standards demanded by both awards is testament to all those who have worked so hard to protect and improve our beaches – from beach managers and volunteers to local people and businesses.

“When you enjoy a trip to a beach flying an international Blue Flag or Seaside Award, you know you are on one of the safest, cleanest and very best in the country.”