Man scratched name on police cell door

South Shields Police StationSouth Shields Police Station
South Shields Police Station
A man scratched his name on the door of a police cell then denied doing it.

Jack Bushell scrawled ‘Jack B’ on the door of his cell at South Shields police station, South Northumbria Magistrates’ Court heard.

“The defendant told a police officer he was not responsible for the inscription,” said Paul Anderson, prosecuting. “That was probably not the most sensible thing to do given his name is Jack Bushell.

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“He also answers for a separate offence of theft at a Lidl store.

“He walked into the store and was seen to put a bottle of Amaretto down his trousers.

“When challenged by staff, he threw the bottle to the floor.”

The court heard Bushell became involved in a scuffle with staff, and with police who were called to deal with him.

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“During this altercation he threw his head back hitting a member of staff on the nose,” said Mr Anderson.

“Police officers took him to the floor, he was still struggling and kicking out, kicking an officer on the shin.

“Fortunately, neither the officer or the staff member was injured.”

Bushell, 20, of Soane Gardens, Whiteleas, South Shields, admitted theft, common assault, and assaulting a police officer, all on March 1.

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The court heard the offences put Bushell in breach of a previous suspended sentence imposed at Newcastle Crown Court.

Catherine Farrell, defending, said: “Neither of the assaults were deliberate, and no injury was caused.

“Mr Bushell had been to the funeral of an uncle, and then to the wake.

“He had taken far too much to drink, and can remember little of what happened.

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“Amaretto is not his drink, and he had money in his pocket, so he is mystified as to why he would try to steal a bottle.

“Mr Bushell has recently completed an apprentice scaffolder’s course, and he hopes to obtain work with his father.”

The magistrates ordered the case to be dealt with at Newcastle Crown Court.

Bushell was bailed until the sentencing hearing on April 19.