More of your memories from shopping in South Shields

Carricks in 1955.Carricks in 1955.
Carricks in 1955.
Readers were more than happy to '˜chip' in with their recollections when I asked them for their memories of Carricks in South Shields.

Pauline Smith took to Facebook to say: “I used to go in there in my lunch break when I worked at Binns in the early ’60s, my friend Liz and I always used to have sausage roll and chips with gravy.”

Carol Smith was also a customer, posting how they served “the best chips and gravy, and the staff were always so friendly.

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J R Gough electronics shopJ R Gough electronics shop
J R Gough electronics shop

“I can’t remember the lady’s name in the King Street branch, it was an unusual name but God what a hard worker she was.

“She was so homely, ah I wish I could remember her name, she was small in height but big in personality, I’m sure it began with C, but can’t remember it.”

Can anyone help jog Carol’s memory?

Peter Watt said: “I remember Carricks in Jarrow, the coffee thing reminds me of it the sound it made,” while Beverly Olds salutes the snack bar’s “rissoles and chips for pay day lunch”.

J R Gough electronics shopJ R Gough electronics shop
J R Gough electronics shop

There was a theme running through the emails posted by the following readers, with Kerry Anderson recalling “mince pie and chips on a Saturday morning”, while Mich Elle said “they did the best chips and gravy” and Dawn Crutwell also spoke highly of “chips and gravy”.

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The final word must go to Karen Ellis, who simply said: “Carricks, hot mince pies mmmmmmmmm!”

A photo of JR Gough’s electronics shop, taken in August 1971, also produced plenty of reader comments.

Brian Docherty spoke of the Technics hi-fi system with dual tape deck that he bought there. Tracey Reed also got her Technics sound deck from there.

“The speakers were the size of a small block of flats,” he said.

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John Elsy asked: “Who can remember when Gough’s used to be in Imeary Street? I knew the family well, the mam and dad and two brothers and sister. I bought a lot of electrical components from there and spent a good hour or two listening to their new hi-fi systems upstairs.”

Paul Danielson took to Facebook to say: “Used to love going there. Used to buy needles for my record player: wouldn’t have a clue where to go now,” while Bill Brown recalled buying a Steadfast terminal screwdriver. “I’ve still got one which is well over 50 years old and the Sheffield steel blade is still the same as when I bought it.”

Kathleen Anderson is another admirer, saying: “I used to love this shop, the employees used to be so helpful. I was sorry when it shut,” while Anne Sebastenelli Wade paid the following tribute: “I loved this shop. They knew where everything was, and if they didn’t have what you wanted, you wouldn’t get it anywhere else.”

Michelle Whale got in touch to post: “Brilliant shop, I used to get my needle for my record player there,” and Ken Hartley took time to say: “I used to call in to buy transistors diodes etc, lovely, great guys and always helpful.”

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Michelle Whale added she “had all the hi tech stuff in those days” while James Scott said he “loved this shop, I think they had two shops in Imeary Street”.

The memories kept on coming thanks to a photo of Gatoff Tailors in Fowler Street.

Joanie Malone said: “My mother worked there during the war, making uniforms. She also returned there to work in the ’50s. She said they worked hard but the bosses were always fair and good to the staff.”

Jennifer Hudson told how “my mam worked there for many years”.

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