New minibus means days out for South Tyneside nursery kids

Sue Stokoe headteacher, centre, with her nursery students.Sue Stokoe headteacher, centre, with her nursery students.
Sue Stokoe headteacher, centre, with her nursery students.
Nursery youngsters will be going in style thanks to a new minibus.

A summer celebration was held at Boldon Nursery to officially welcome the new bus.

Parents had been fundraising to cover the cost of insurance, fuel and a deposit to lease the new vehicle, and had managed to raise £1367.

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Ibraheem Ahmed gets to grips with the new bus.Ibraheem Ahmed gets to grips with the new bus.
Ibraheem Ahmed gets to grips with the new bus.

This was added to a similar amount which last year’s parents had also collected.

Parent governor Nadia Mcsheffrey had the honour of cutting the ribbon.

Sue Stokoe, headteacher of the nursery, in Reginald Street, Boldon Colliery, said: “The minibus will enable the nursery to have more flexibility with its visits out in relation to time.

“We intend to explore many of our beautiful north east sights, enabling our children and parents to see more, find out more and be more caring and protective of the environment.”

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So far this year the children have visited the local coast, Gibside, Easington Ancient Woodland and the Burn in Boldon.

But now the they can travel much further across the region on exciting days out.

Ms Stokoe said: “Our own minibus means we can go more often and further afield.

“The governors are proud of the relentless efforts of our families in their fundraising efforts to enable the community of Boldon Nursery to have such an amazing resource.”

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