Newcastle 'investigate' Peter Beardsley over bullying allegation

Peter BeardsleyPeter Beardsley
Peter Beardsley
Peter Beardsley is under investigation at Newcastle United, according to a report.

The Mirror claim that Yasin Ben El-Mhanni has accused Beardsley, the club's Under-23 coach, of bullying him.

It adds that El-Mhanni’s complaint, which will be heard at a grievance meeting on Thursday, has been supported by a number of his team-mates.

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El-Mhanni is reportedly "deeply unhappy" and felt he had to make a formal complaint to get his complaints heard.

The 22-year-old winger, signed in the summer of 2016, made two FA Cup appearances for Newcastle last season.

Beardsley, one of Newcastle's all-time greats, went into coaching at the club after hanging up his boots.