Faye Tozer (top left) joined dozens of South Tyneside residents to dress up for VE Day.Faye Tozer (top left) joined dozens of South Tyneside residents to dress up for VE Day.
Faye Tozer (top left) joined dozens of South Tyneside residents to dress up for VE Day. | Other 3rd Party

19 pictures as dozens dress up to celebrate VE Day in style - including Steps star Faye Tozer

Steps star Faye Tozer was among the dozens of South Tyneside guys and gals who got glammed up to celebrate the 75th anniversary of VE Day.

VE Day on Friday, May 8, saw all ages – and genders – get their glad rags and pose in their best frocks to celebrate the 75th anniversary from the safety of their own homes.

There were 74 entries in total, with some going full-on 40s housewife, while others went wild with the Union Jack flags – and even Steps star Faye Tozer couldn’t resist getting involved with a slick of red lippy and headscarf.

Here’s a few of our favourites – do you recognise anyone you know?