There's been an outpouring of renewed appreciation for the NHS and its workers as the coronavirus crisis has erupted. As well as the weekly Clap for our Carers, artworks have sprung up across evert community. Here are owner Hassan Malik and dispensing staff member Deborah Garthwaite at Carter's Chemist on Fowler Street.There's been an outpouring of renewed appreciation for the NHS and its workers as the coronavirus crisis has erupted. As well as the weekly Clap for our Carers, artworks have sprung up across evert community. Here are owner Hassan Malik and dispensing staff member Deborah Garthwaite at Carter's Chemist on Fowler Street.
There's been an outpouring of renewed appreciation for the NHS and its workers as the coronavirus crisis has erupted. As well as the weekly Clap for our Carers, artworks have sprung up across evert community. Here are owner Hassan Malik and dispensing staff member Deborah Garthwaite at Carter's Chemist on Fowler Street. | JPIMedia Resell

10 photos that show how South Tyneside dramatically changed during 50 days of lockdown

When Prime Minister Boris Johnson put the country in lockdown on March 23, our lives changed in an instant.

It might feel like the coronavirus crisis has put the whole world on pause – but, even in days like these, life continues. There’s no doubt the landscape of South Tyneside has been changed in that time – with near-empty streets and shuttered businesses. But that’s only part of the story, as our dozen photos from the last 50 days show.