Inquest opens into death of

Coulson WhiteCoulson White
Coulson White
An inquest has opened into the death of a 92-year-old man who was hit by a motorbike in Whitburn.

Coulson White died on Sunday, June 16, after being struck in Whitburn Bents Road, close to his home in Wellands Lane.

An inquest into his death was opened and adjourned by Assistant Coroner Karin Welsh at Sunderland Coroner's Court yesterday morning.

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Ms Welsh told the hearing that despite his age, Mr White had been 'generally very fit.'

Police at the scene. Picture: Ian MaggiorePolice at the scene. Picture: Ian Maggiore
Police at the scene. Picture: Ian Maggiore

"He was enjoying a walk on the 16th of June when sadly he was hit by a motorbike," she said.

"He was taken to Sunderland Royal Hospital but declared dead there on the 16th of June.

"Following his death, a post-mortem exam has been carried out by Dr Bolton and the results of that are currently awaited.

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"And the full circumstances with regard to Mr White's death are currently being investigated by Northumbria Police.

Road closures in place. Picture: Ian MaggioreRoad closures in place. Picture: Ian Maggiore
Road closures in place. Picture: Ian Maggiore

"In those circumstances, I propose to adjourn this inquest to 10am on Tuesday, October 1.

"Whether it can proceed then depends on receipt of the post-mortem report and the conclusion of police inquiries."

In a statement, his family said: “He was a lovely, quiet man. He was remarkable for his age – he could be seen out nearly every day walking along the sea front at Seaburn.

“He will be sadly missed.”

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Police said Coulson’s death is not being treated as suspicious, and thanked members of the community who came forward following the tragic incident.

PC Steven Malt, of Northumbria Police’s motor patrols department, said: “Coulson was a well-liked and respected member of the community, and our thoughts are with his family at this terrible time.

“They have asked that their privacy is respected as they come to terms with their loss, and specialist officers continue to offer them any support that they require.

“An investigation was carried out into this incident and we are satisfied that the circumstances surrounding Coulson’s death are non-suspicious.”

Anyone with information is asked to contact 101 quoting reference 935 160619 or Crimestoppers anonymously on 0800 555 111.