'It's selfish not to' - South Tyneside shoppers back the return of mandatory masks

First day of mandatory face coverings at Jarrow bus station.First day of mandatory face coverings at Jarrow bus station.
First day of mandatory face coverings at Jarrow bus station.
Shoppers have backed the wearing of masks as they gave their views on the reintroduction of the mandatory face coverings.

In a series of announcements over the weekend, the Government confirmed face coverings will be mandatory once more on public transport, in shops and in other settings including banks, post offices and hairdressers. The rule came into force on Tuesday, November 30.

It follows cases of the new Omicron variant of Covid in the UK. The Prime Minister warned that it could reduce the effectiveness of vaccines.

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Boris Johnson described the reintroduction of measures as “temporary and precautionary” and said they will be reviewed in three weeks.

David and Martina Gallagher were firmly in favour of the new rules.David and Martina Gallagher were firmly in favour of the new rules.
David and Martina Gallagher were firmly in favour of the new rules.

Married couple David and Martina Gallagher from Hebburn welcomed the new rules.

Martina said: “It’s selfish (not to), because you’re so close to each other and as you’re talking you’re spreading your germs, whether you’ve got Covid or not. Wear your masks!

“There’s no harm in going inside with them; it’s not taking your freedom away. I’ll tell you what, I didn’t have my hayfever as bad either from wearing a mask.”

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David added: “I think the fact that hardly anyone got flu last year was pretty much proof that wearing a mask’s useful.

Arthur Harrison: "I’ve worn them since the first lockdown. It’s no bother for me.”Arthur Harrison: "I’ve worn them since the first lockdown. It’s no bother for me.”
Arthur Harrison: "I’ve worn them since the first lockdown. It’s no bother for me.”

“My job involves me travelling all round the country in IT departments in councils and universities, so if I catch it I’d be spreading it. So I have to be careful anyway.”

Arthur Harrison of Primrose has no problem with masks either, saying: “They’re fine as far as I’m concerned. I think it’s the right thing. There’s that many anti-vaxxers who are not doing any good for anybody, are they?

“I’m used to wearing them now. I’ve worn them since the first lockdown. It’s no bother for me.”

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Leyton Wood from Jarrow wasn’t convinced about the effectiveness of masks, but didn’t mind wearing one. He said: “I think we’ve just got to live with it . Where does it stop? We’ve had the boosters. It’s the start of things to come. People are getting a bit tired.

Leyton Ward isn't convinced by masks, but doesn't mind wearing one in shops.Leyton Ward isn't convinced by masks, but doesn't mind wearing one in shops.
Leyton Ward isn't convinced by masks, but doesn't mind wearing one in shops.

“But if I have to wear a mask then I will, aye. I’ve got no problem with that. It’s to help other people.”

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