Readers call for a three-day weekend as more businesses make changes to office hours

Readers voted for a three-day-weekend.
Photo: 	Freedomz - stock.adobe.comReaders voted for a three-day-weekend.
Photo: 	Freedomz -
Readers voted for a three-day-weekend. Photo: Freedomz -
The majority of Shields Gazette readers have announced that they would prefer to work longer days to have a three-day weekend.

This decision comes from our recent poll on social media where readers were asked: “As more businesses make changes to their office hours, would you prefer to work four longer days, and have a three-day weekend?”

Out of the 278 people that voted on the Gazette poll, the majority (89%) of readers voted for a long weekend leaving just 31 people voting against them.

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Across social media, local readers have had their say on the decision.

Nathan David is happy to work longer hours. He said: “Great idea - used to work 8-6 four days a week with a day off. (Mon week one, Tues week two etc). Meant you got a four-day weekend once a month.”

Bryony Jade Fucile is all for the decision. She said: “As a shift worker, three days off would be the absolute dream.”

Graeme Wharton commented: “As a bus driver I'd love a three-day weekend.”

Barry Watts and Kevin Bolton said: “I already do.”

Not everyone is happy about working longer hours though.

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Keiron Shaw said: “No chance. Childcare is expensive enough.”

Betty Henderson agreed: “Some people would love to do this but childcare is expensive.”

Carole Moyes said: “Nice idea but when you are self-employed you work seven days a week and 24 hours a day if need be!”

The question also raised concerns for some.

Graham Storey said: “So who is going to work the weekends?”