What Shields Gazette readers said about support for reality TV stars as MPs investigate issue

Harley Brash, from South Shields, who appeared on this year's series of Love IslandHarley Brash, from South Shields, who appeared on this year's series of Love Island
Harley Brash, from South Shields, who appeared on this year's series of Love Island | Other 3rd Party
Shields Gazette readers say reality TV stars need more support after they appear on a show.

Our Facebook poll asked: “As Love Island stars prepare to appear before MPs investigating reality TV, do you think the aftercare provided to those taking part in the programmes is enough?”

Almost 300 people voted, with just 40% saying they thought the care provided was adequate.

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Some said anyone appearing on a reality TV show knew what they were getting into.

Pauline Metcalfe said: “Why do they need after care? They choose to go on the show. No one is forcing them. It is not a life or death incident.

“A lot more genuine cases could use that help.

Margaret Crosbie added: “If they can't cope, they should not go on - simple.”

Craig Lister was more sympathetic: “When reality TV started, you got normal people going on just for a laugh and the experience. But now everyone wants to be famous.

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“The problem is not everyone gets famous or they get the wrong attention and they need a care package for when that happens. Which none really provide.”

Lisa Wightman agreed: “I was obsessed with the first Big Brother. It was a true social experiment. The guys in there weren't sure if many people would even be watching.

“As time went on the expectations changed, and a lot of the contestants will do ANYTHING to be famous and are too naïve to fully appreciate the consequences.”

Several people felt the genre had had its day. Wayne Gilliss added: “Just stop making all this rubbish reality TV.”