Meet the candidates for Monkton in the South Tyneside Council elections 2019

Top (l-r): Alan Kerr (Labour Party), Aidan Smith (Liberal Democrats)
Bottom (l-r): Marian Elizabeth Stead (Independent), Matthew George McKenna (Green Party)Top (l-r): Alan Kerr (Labour Party), Aidan Smith (Liberal Democrats)
Bottom (l-r): Marian Elizabeth Stead (Independent), Matthew George McKenna (Green Party)
Top (l-r): Alan Kerr (Labour Party), Aidan Smith (Liberal Democrats) Bottom (l-r): Marian Elizabeth Stead (Independent), Matthew George McKenna (Green Party)
This year’s local elections are just around the corner, and we’re turning the spotlight on South Tyneside’s candidates in the run-up to polling day on May 2.

Each one will be given the opportunity to tell readers why they’re standing and why people should vote for them.

Here’s what Monkton ward candidates have to say:

Vanessa Green (Conservative Party)My name is Vanessa Green. I’m delighted to be standing as the Conservative Party candidate for Monkton.South Tyneside Council needs a strong and effective opposition that can provide scrutiny to Labour’s grip of our council. My priority will be ensuring our town centre is more business friendly. I would start by working hard to increase the amount of free parking in our town centre.If elected, I would be a strong voice for the ward and work hard for the residents. As an opposition councillor, I would also work hard to make sure council money is well spent.

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Alan Kerr (Labour Party)I’m delighted to once again be seeking election as a councillor for the Monkton ward. I’m an active school governor, deputy leader of the council and represent the borough on a number of regional committees.My main priority though is representing the interests of the people of the Monkton ward which is why I hold regular ward surgeries and deliver regular newsletters keeping in touch with local residents.I would be honoured to continue my work on behalf of the people of Monkton and trust that I may be able to count on your support on May 2.

Matthew George McKenna (Green Party)I’ve always been put off from party politics, understanding it to be self serving, shallow and conceited. South Tyneside, with its historic lack of political choice and a Labour party who take their positions for granted, sadly exemplifies this view. But in this May’s election, I now see a real possibility to buck this trend. To do this we must vote Green. South Tyneside Green Party already functions as the main opposition to the Labour council without having any elected positions. Let’s get a Green inside the town hall and really keep Labour on their toes.

Aidan Smith (Liberal Democrats)I have lived in the Monkton ward for the best part of my life, and I will provide real opposition to the Labour party in council. As your councillor I will engage actively with you, to ensure that your interests are represented in council. I’m disturbed by the gross level of homelessness in the region and the falling education standards. If we do not act soon to help the most at risk, crime will only increase. As a young person living in Jarrow, I am aware of the lack of employment opportunities and general distrust of politicians.

Marian Elizabeth Stead (Independent)Vote for Marian E. SteadIndependent Candidate for the Monkton WardThe political parties represented in this ward all want to remain in the EU.I’m not a member of a political party; I live in the ward and have worked in the borough since leaving school. I ran an advice service for disabled people across the borough over 22 years and helped thousands of people during that time.It’s Time for Change!People Before Party Politics!Transparency – Restores Trust!Cross Party Working!