Memorial to Hebburn families killed in Second World War delayed due to pandemic

Glen Medical Centre, Hebburn, where the unveiling event was set to take placeGlen Medical Centre, Hebburn, where the unveiling event was set to take place
Glen Medical Centre, Hebburn, where the unveiling event was set to take place
Plans for a memorial to Hebburn families killed during the Second World War have been pushed back due to the coronavirus pandemic – with no update yet as to when they can be rescheduled.

A plaque commemorating the lives of those killed during bombing raids on the town was scheduled to be unveiled in March 2020

However, the event at the Glen Medical Centre, in Glen Street, had to be cancelled at short notice as the COVID-19 outbreak began to grow.

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And with Government regulations still restricting public gatherings, members of South Tyneside Council’s Hebburn Community Area Forum (CAF) were told it had not yet been possible to confirm a new date for the memorial’s installation.

Like the rest of Tyneside, Hebburn endured several Luftwaffe attacks during the conflict.

But, despite the concentration of heavy industry linked to coal mining and ship building, the area was spared the heavy bombardments which devastated other British cities, such as Hull and Coventry.

The plans were first announced in October 2019.

At the time, Harry Alder, the council’s senior regeneration manager, said: “Officers are working with owners to install a plaque to commemorate the people killed in the bombing of Hebburn during the Second World War.

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“The plaque will be made of bronze, the order has been placed and when it’s ready there will be an unveiling ceremony.”

A message from the editor

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