What you had to say about Boris Johnson's decision to prorogue Parliament

Readers have had their say.
AFP/Getty ImagesReaders have had their say.
AFP/Getty Images
Readers have had their say. AFP/Getty Images | Getty Images
Following our Facebook poll, you have shared your views and voted that the Prime Minister, Boris Johnson, was right to shut down Parliament.

The Government officially shut down Parliament on Monday night for five weeks, with MPs not due back until October, barely a fortnight before Britain is due to leave the EU on Thursday, October 31.

Opposition MPs claim the move is intended to stifle debate and opposition to a no-deal Brexit.

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Our on-line poll asked: “Do you agree with Parliament being prorogued for five weeks?”

More than 500 people took part and the vote was split 60% for, 40% against.

Comments on our Facebook pages were divided – this is what you had to say.

Steven Slack said: “Yes 100% it’s normal procedure when there is a new government and PM.”

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Backing the Prime Minister, Alison Hall said: “I support Boris 100%.”

Olivia Kate Brown commented: “Not for 5 weeks, but they need some kind of break from the pressure of the Brexit.”

Jonathan George Lowe said: “It's a cheeky time to prorogue but they do it every year; this session has gone on for longer.”

Lynne Aubrey expressed: “Unbelievable. Don't people understand that there's more to this country than whether we leave EU. Of course its not a good thing to pause parliament.”

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Amy Murray said: “Should have been until the 31st of October.”

Craig Brenkley commented: “Direct Democracy from the people should overide Parliamentary Democracy any day.”

These results were recorded at 8.30am on Wednesday, September 11.