Scaffolder attacked ex-partner in 'jealous rage' after she received phone call from male friend

Lee DonnellyLee Donnelly
Lee Donnelly
A scaffolder who attacked his ex-partner after she received a late night phone call from a male friend has kept his freedom.

Lee Donnelly hurled the woman to the ground and punched her in the face during the violence last July.

Newcastle Crown Court heard the victim suffered a perforated ear drum, swelling to her jaw and ear, scratches to her neck and bruising to her fingers.

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She said in a victim impact statement she was left "distressed, upset, unsafe and frightened" by what happened.

The court heard the 43-year-old had previously been in a 13-year relationship with the woman, which had ended, but they still stayed in contact.

Donnelly was at the victim's home when she received the call and the violence flared when they got outside.

Donnelly, of Lune Green, Jarrow, admitted assault.

Judge Sarah Mallett sentenced him to six months imprisonment, suspended for 18 months, with rehabilitation requirements and 80 hours unpaid work.

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The judge told him: "She received a telephone call from a male friend. That triggered a fit of jealous rage. You grabbed the phone and you both

ended up leaving the house.

"During the incident, seen on CCTV, you threw her, forcefully, to the ground and you punched her in the face.

"She said she was dazed.

"It is possible to see, on the CCTV, a significant degree of force you used in hurling that woman to the floor."

Shaun Routledge, defending, said Donnelly has a good employment record, has led a "hard working life" and has shown genuine remorse for what he did.

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Mr Routledge added; "There was no premeditation. The whole incident blew up out of an argument, while both of them were clearly upset as to the timing of the telephone call."

The court heard Donnelly spent more than six months on a tagged curfew while his case progressed through the courts.

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