Shields Gazette Toy Appeal: We need your help to make Christmas special

The Shields Gazette Toy Appeal with Caffe Mio owner Kathryn Savage with her staff.The Shields Gazette Toy Appeal with Caffe Mio owner Kathryn Savage with her staff.
The Shields Gazette Toy Appeal with Caffe Mio owner Kathryn Savage with her staff.
Gifts have started to arrive in response to our appeal to help make Christmas special for a child in need.

And our thanks go to Kathryn Savage, owner of Cafe Mio, and her staff for offering to act as a drop off point for our appeal, which was launched on November 14.

The owner of the cafe, at The Nook, said: “We are delighted to be able to help and people are welcome to just pop in and leave their gifts by our Christmas tree anytime.”

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The Shields Gazette has teamed up once again with North East Charity Hope 4 Kidz in a bid to help as many children and families as possible experience the magic of Christmas.

There are just 24 days to go before the big day and we are asking you to dig deep and include one extra present for a child in need while you are out doing your Christmas shopping.

Viv Watts, from Hope 4 Kidz, said: “Every year we cross our fingers and hope that people will help us to help those less well off or suffering from life limiting illnesses or disability.

“It’s hard to believe that within our town there are so many children who potentially won’t be opening a present on Christmas Day.”

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Toy appeal: How you can help children in South Tyneside smile this Christmas

Each and every gift given to our appeal, no matter how small, is precious and all go to local charities and families.

So many of charities and organisations are struggling to survive, which means they have no money left over for gifts. They desperately need our support –without it, many children would receive nothing on Christmas morning.

Gavin Foster, Managing Editor of the Shields Gazette, said: “We appreciate times are difficult for many of our families but if you can, please include an extra gift in your shopping to help a child who may otherwise have nothing on Christmas Day.”

Your gifts can be left at one our designated drop off points: Morrisons, Ocean Road, or Cafe Mio, Sunderland Road, The Nook.

The last day for donations is Monday, December 17.

Please ensure all your donations must be new and unwrapped. We cannot accept secondhand or use items.

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