Simon's on the run for a very good cause

Simon Alison prepares for his running challenge.Simon Alison prepares for his running challenge.
Simon Alison prepares for his running challenge.
A year ago, Simon Alison would have struggled to run 10k in a day, now he's set to run 12 races in 12 months in memory of his brother.

Simon, from St Vincent Street, South Shields, is gearing up to run 12 Great Run events in the space of a year to raise £1,000 for Cancer Research UK.

The 34-year-old, who works as an internal account manager for IT firm Sage, decided to set himself the challenge in memory of his brother Lee, who he lost to cancer.

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He said: “I always wanted to do The Great North Run and, last year, Sage put in a team.

“I took part in the run and really enjoyed it. As an event, it had a great atmosphere.

“From there I really got into the running thing and thought I would give myself a challenge.

“I didn’t know what I would be doing, but when I looked online I saw all the races up and down the country and thought would do 12 in 12 months.”

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Mr Alison has already completed The Great Winter Run in Edinburgh in January and the next 12 months will see him take on more races .

These are The Great Birmingham 10k; The Great Birmingham Run; The Great Bristol 10k; The Great Manchester Run; The Great North 5k; The Great North 10K; The Great Newham London 10k; The Great Yorkshire Run; The Great North Run; The Great Scottish Run and The Great South Run.

He said: “This time last year I couldn’t run 10k, so if I can do it then anyone can.

“I’m really excited to take on the Great North 10k Gateshead as part of my 12 month challenge.

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“The atmosphere when I enter the stadium to cross the finish line will be the positive push I need to continue on to the next event.

“I’m also taking part in the Great North Run as part of the challenge so this event will be the perfect training exercise for me.

“The fact I’m running for a cause that is really close to my heart will give me further inspiration.

“After losing my brother Lee to cancer and also knowing many others affected by the disease, it seemed really fitting to support Cancer Research in any way I can.”

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The 2016 Great North Run, from Newcastle to South Shields, takes place on Sunday September 11.

The annual half marathon is being run for the 36th time.

Since 1981, the world’s greatest half marathon has welcomed more than a million people across the finishing line.

To sponsor Simon visit go online to: 12GreatRunsIn12Months.