South Shields estate to receive £129,000 investment boost

Could Tyne Dock be set for new housing? Pic: PA.Could Tyne Dock be set for new housing? Pic: PA.
Could Tyne Dock be set for new housing? Pic: PA.
A South Tyneside housing estate is set for a £129,000 funding boost.

South Tyneside Council has secured funding for regeneration of the Tyne Dock Estate, in South Shields.

It comes after the council submitted a bid for the funding as part of a nationwide £32million Estate Regeneration Fund.

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Tyne Dock Estate will receive £109,000 of the £30million enabling grant, and a further £20,000 of a £2million commercial capacity building grant.

Coun Allan West, lead member for housing and transport at South Tyneside Council, said: “This funding will allow us to start developing and assessing the feasibility of different options for regenerating the area.

“We will of course be working closely with local residents to seek their views about how the estate could be improved and consulting them fully on any proposals.”

Across the country, the fund is set to speed up the building of thousands of new homes.

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A total of 105 estates in Great Britain are to benefit from the project, which is being used to speed up regeneration schemes in their early stages.

Communities Secretary Sajid Javid said: “For too long a number of housing estates across the country have been areas characterised by low-quality homes and high social deprivation.

“This government is determined to have a housing market that works for everyone.

“That’s why we’re turbocharging the regeneration of these rundown estates in the North East, so they can thrive as communities.”