South Shields man jailed after police found him with knife

South Tyneside Magistrates' CourtSouth Tyneside Magistrates' Court
South Tyneside Magistrates' Court
A wayward son who fell out with his mother has been jailed for six months for carrying a knife.

Magistrates in South Tyneside heard that Christopher Elsy, 27, of Taylor Street, South Shields, turned up at his mother’s house in tears and, after an argument, smashed her television.

Paul Armstrong, prosecuting, said: “It seems he was upset because another family member had refused to lend him some money. An argument ensued with his mother over a television she had borrowed from him.

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“He smashed the television, apparently deliberately, then pushed past his her and left the house.”

The court heard Elsy returned a few hours later and his mother called the police.

Mr Anderson added: “They arrested Elsy and found he was carrying a Stanley knife and a small amount of amphetamine. He said he used the knife to cut the amphetamine,

Elsy admitted common assault, possession of a bladed article, and possession of a class B drug, all on October 11.

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Chris Wilson, defending, said: “The previous conviction for a bladed article means he is subject to a minimum sentence of six months.

“There is no suggestion the knife was brandished or used to threaten anyone.”

Elsy was jailed for six months, and ordered to pay £200 costs and victim surcharge.

The knife and drugs were confiscated and will be destroyed.