South Shields under-age sex man jailed for six years

Sex predator Christopher Coates has been jailed for six yearsSex predator Christopher Coates has been jailed for six years
Sex predator Christopher Coates has been jailed for six years
A paedophile who denied abusing an underage girl was trapped when DNA proved he was the father of her aborted baby.

Christopher Coates claimed to have "nothing to do with it" when he found out his young victim was pregnant and pleaded not guilty to child sex charges at court.

Newcastle Crown Court heard that, after the schoolgirl went through a termination, scientific testing proved beyond doubt he was the father.

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As a result, the 27-year-old predator pleaded guilty to two charges of sexual activity with a child and meeting a child following sexual grooming.

Prosecutor Jonathan Devlin told the court Coates had targeted his victim, who was a virgin before they met, online.

Mr Devlin said: "She said she had sex because she thought the defendant wouldn't speak to her if she didn't.

"She described him being huffy and moody. She said she really liked him."

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The court heard when Coates, who had not used contraception, found out his victim was pregnant, he told her to "get rid of the baby" and said he had "nothing to do with it".

Mr Devlin added: "She underwent a termination.

"Samples were preserved and sent for examination. It was revealed, through DNA, the defendant was the father of the fetus."

Coates, of Newcastle Road, South Shields, who denied during police interview that he had had sex with the girl, has been jailed for six years.

He must also sign the sex offenders register and abide by the terms of a sexual harm prevention order for life.

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Mr Recorder Simon Jackson QC told him: "You deliberately contacted and targeted her.

"These offences were driven by your selfish, predatory and ultimately reckless behaviour.

"I am quite satisfied, for any child, any woman, undergoing a termination in these circumstances, must be a difficult thing for them to have to deal with.

"One can reasonably judge and infer it must have been upsetting and distressing for her."

David Callan, defending, said Coates, who has tried to hang himself in custody on remand, is "now full of remorse" and accepts full responsibility for what he did."

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