South Tyneside cancer patients invited to health and wellbeing event

The Living With and Beyond Cancer team.  Left to right, Cancer Improvement Manager  Kelly Craggs, Living With and Beyond Cancer Facilitator Lynsey Clarke, and Project Co-ordinators Gail Foster and Leanne Rowell.The Living With and Beyond Cancer team.  Left to right, Cancer Improvement Manager  Kelly Craggs, Living With and Beyond Cancer Facilitator Lynsey Clarke, and Project Co-ordinators Gail Foster and Leanne Rowell.
The Living With and Beyond Cancer team. Left to right, Cancer Improvement Manager Kelly Craggs, Living With and Beyond Cancer Facilitator Lynsey Clarke, and Project Co-ordinators Gail Foster and Leanne Rowell.
Cancer patients in South Tyneside are being invited to attend an advice session aimed at helping them to enjoy the best quality of life following diagnosis and treatment.

The Living With and Beyond Cancer drop-in event will be held on Saturday, March 2 - from 11am to 2pm - in the Education Centre at South Tyneside District Hospital, Harton Lane, South Shields.

It has been organised for patients and their families and carers by South Tyneside and City Hospitals Sunderland NHS Foundation Trusts’ living with and beyond cancer team - which is funded by The Northern Cancer Alliance.

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Advice and support will be available on a range of topics and services to help people living with and beyond cancer to manage their condition and aid their recovery through positive lifestyle changes.

Kelly Craggs, cancer improvement manager with the team, said: “The health and wellbeing events provide an important opportunity to inform and educate patients about ongoing management of their health and also give them and their families information about local facilities and support.”

The event is also being supported by Macmillan Cancer Support and North East charity FACT (Fighting All Cancers Together).

It is part of a ‘recovery package’, which the Trusts are working on with NHS South Tyneside and NHS Sunderland Clinical Commissioning Groups to deliver.

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It is intended that by 2020 every patient in South Tyneside and Sunderland who receives a cancer diagnosis will be offered the recovery package which includes a holistic needs assessment and a care plan within 31 days of diagnosis.

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