South Tyneside charity aims to help children of divorce

Impact Family Services plan to make sure children do not get involved in tug-of-war between parents.Impact Family Services plan to make sure children do not get involved in tug-of-war between parents.
Impact Family Services plan to make sure children do not get involved in tug-of-war between parents.
Youngsters of separated parents are being put at the heart of a South Tyneside charity's service to ensure they remain in contact with all members of the family.

Impact Family Services aims to help couples put their differences aside for the benefit of their children.

Through its Separated Parents Information Programme (SPIP), it aims to encourage parents to look at the affects a break-down of marriage or a relationship has on children, as well as the impact of ongoing conflict.

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The charity's campaign.The charity's campaign.
The charity's campaign.

The charity also helps to ensure youngsters remain in contact with all family members following a split by offering parents a range of ways child contact can be made and maintained.

A spokeswoman for Impact Family Services said: “Sometimes separated parents need help and support – in both looking at how to be good co-parents and also in ensuring that appropriate contact is given to non-resident parents with their child.

“Most parents that go on the course find it helpful. Former partners attend different SPIP sessions, but it is important that both attend.

“The course is not counselling or mediation, and personal circumstances and issues are not discussed.

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The charity's campaign.The charity's campaign.
The charity's campaign.

For those who are struggling to decide contact agreements or have concerns over the other parent or family members seeing the child, a range of options is available.

On average the charity supports 3,000 families with one of the services they run.

The SPIP is free for separated parents to attend who live in South Tyneside, Sunderland and Gateshead.

For more information call 0191 5678282.