Watch South Shields mark Good Friday with annual parade

South Shields Good Friday parade. Picture: Tom BanksSouth Shields Good Friday parade. Picture: Tom Banks
South Shields Good Friday parade. Picture: Tom Banks
People of all ages gathered in South Shields Town Centre to witness the annual Good Friday parade.

Bands from a number of churches came together to mark the traditional event.

The parade in the centre of South Shields was one of three taking place in the town.

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South Shields Good Friday parade. Picture: Tom BanksSouth Shields Good Friday parade. Picture: Tom Banks
South Shields Good Friday parade. Picture: Tom Banks

While marchers made their way along Keppel Street into the market place, another set of marchers were making their way down Stanhope Road to the West Park.

A third parade took place in Horsley Hill.

The Procession of Witness parades were organised by the Sunday School Union.

In South Shields town centre marchers from Westoe Road Baptist Church, The People’s Mission, Bethesda Sunday School and Living Waters took part in the parade.

South Shields Good Friday parade. Picture: Tom BanksSouth Shields Good Friday parade. Picture: Tom Banks
South Shields Good Friday parade. Picture: Tom Banks

They were watched by people of all ages who had turned out for the event.

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The parade was attended by the Mayor of South Tyneside Olive Punchion. In a speech she thanked those within the voluntary sector.

She said: “It’s so good to see so many young people to celebrate this important date.

“During my time as Mayor I have met so many caring people who run the voluntary service in this town who are giving their time freely to the people of South Tyneside.

South Shields Good Friday parade. Picture: Tom BanksSouth Shields Good Friday parade. Picture: Tom Banks
South Shields Good Friday parade. Picture: Tom Banks

“A big thank you especially to our young people in the uniformed organisations. All of those people set a good example to us all by their dedicated service.”

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South Shields resident Irene Taylor attended the parade with her granddaughter Laura Hawkins and great-grandson Issac Hawkins aged 21-months. She said: “The numbers are getting smaller and smaller each year, but it’s still good that it’s still surviving.

“I’ve come down every year. I am surprised it is still continuing as it used to be so huge, but it’s still good.

“I used to be in the People’s Mission until I was about 15 and coming down does bring back a lot of memories.”

Laura added: “I’ve come down every year and bit’s good. You can see that the kids love watching the bands playing.”