WATCH: Woman forced to flee as cigarette suspected to blame for blaze

Picture by Jim Latimer.Picture by Jim Latimer.
Picture by Jim Latimer.
A woman was forced to flee her home after a blaze swept through the property.

Fire chiefs believe the blaze, at a house in Linthorpe Court, Simonside, South Shields, may have been sparked by a discarded cigarette.

Two fire crews from South Shields arrived at the house as flames ripped through a utility room this afternoon,

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Picture by Jim Latimer.Picture by Jim Latimer.
Picture by Jim Latimer.

The shocked occupant managed to get out herself and call 999 before a concerned next door neighbour offered her shelter.

She was given oxygen by firefighters before being taken to South Tyneside Hospital for a precautionary check-up.

Next door neighbour James Nichol described seeing smoke billowing out of the windows of the house as the woman rushed out and frantically called emergency services.

The 68-year-old said: “I went out for a smoke and saw smoke coming out of all the windows.

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Picture by Jim Latimer.Picture by Jim Latimer.
Picture by Jim Latimer.

“I saw the woman running out of the house and making a phone call to the fire service.

“We invited her inside and have her a cup of coffee. She was a nervous wreck and was shaking.

“The firefighters came into our house an gave her oxygen treatment. She was then taken to hospital for a check-up.”

A fire service boss has issued a safety warning in the wake of the fire, which caused ‘severe damage’ to the house.

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Picture by Jim Latimer.Picture by Jim Latimer.
Picture by Jim Latimer.

Crew Manager David Farrow, of South Shields Fire Station, says there was no smoke alarm in the home and has urged people to make sure they are fully equipped in case a blaze breaks out.

Mr Farrow said: “We were called at 1.31pm. The cause of the fire is still being investigated but was possibly started by a cigarette end in the utility room.

“The fire spread to all of the rooms of the property, causing severe damage due to heat and smoke.

“The lady was given oxygen treatment at the scene before being taken to South Tyneside Hospital for a check-up.”

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