These are the tide times for South Shields during this half term

Tide forecast for South ShieldsTide forecast for South Shields
Tide forecast for South Shields
This is the weekly tide forecast for South Shields for families looking to plan a seaside trip with their children over half term.

The weather has not been the greatest over the last few weeks, between Storm Ciara and Storm Dennis the UK has had little time to enjoy spending time outside.

As we leave these storms behind us and half term for many children begins, some may be planning a walk at the coast.

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If you’ve chosen the beach as your destination, keep this in mind – there is a 10 minute margin of error when predicting the tide times and the wind also affects the tides.

South Shields tide forecast for the weekSouth Shields tide forecast for the week
South Shields tide forecast for the week

Here are the tide times for South Shields for the February half term:

Monday, February 17

Low tide: 3.49am

High tide: 9.56am

Low tide: 4.13pm

High tide: 10.34pm

Tuesday, February 18

Low tide: 5.10am

High tide: 11.12am

Low tide: 5.48pm

High tide: 11.58pm

Wednesday, February 19

Low tide: 6.31am

High tide: 12.28pm

Low tide: 7.08pm

Thursday, February 20

Low tide: 1.12am

High tide: 7.34am

Low tide: 1.31pm

High tide: 8.07pm

Friday, February 21

Low tide: 2.09am

High tide: 8.23am

Low tide: 2.19pm

High tide: 8.52pm

Saturday, February 22

Low tide: 2.53am

High tide: 9.02am

Low tide: 3pm

High tide: 9.30pm

Sunday, February 23

Low tide: 3.31am

High tide: 9.36am

Low tide: 3.36pm

High tide: 10.04pm

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