Woman admits harassment after video of her was posted on Facebook

The case was dealt with in South Shields at South Tyneside Magistrates' Court.The case was dealt with in South Shields at South Tyneside Magistrates' Court.
The case was dealt with in South Shields at South Tyneside Magistrates' Court.
A woman sent threatening messages after a video of herself in a distressed state was posted on Facebook.

Chanelle Fowlie turned up at the house of the family who had posted the video to confront them about it.

South Shields Magistrates Court heard Fowlie damaged a double-glazed window with a brick before she was arrested, South Shields Magistrates’ Paul Anderson, prosecuting, said: “This matter started when the defendant posted some threats on Facebook.

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“She said she was going to go round to the house, which she did, turning up carrying a brick.

“The brick was used to damage a 6ft X 4ft double glazed window, the damage costing about £300 to repair.

“The occupant of the house opened the front door, but then shut it in Ms Fowlie’s face.”

Fowlie, 27, of Sufflolk Road, Hebburn, admitted harassment on September 26.

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Joanne Gaetens, defending, said Fowlie had been ‘severely provoked’ by the victim.

She said: “A video was posted on Facebook showing Ms Fowlie, in her words, ‘badly out of it’ in the street.

“She was in a very distressed state at the time, and even more distressed to see the video circulating on social media.

“To give the bench an idea of the type of people we are dealing with, I have confirmed with Mr Anderson the victim in this case has just

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been sentenced to more than three years for robbery of a homeless.

“Ms Fowlie realises she should not have reacted to the video as she did, but she was badly provoked.

“This has been a difficult year for her, she has been in four mental health treatment facilities and was sectioned at one point.”

The court heard Fowlie has two previous convictions.

Ms Gaetens added: “She has a very limited criminal record.

“I ask the court to accept this offence would not have happened were it not for the video being posted.

“Ms Fowlie was at a low ebb at the time.

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“Her condition is still up and down, but she enjoys the support of her mother, and she knows if she takes her medication it keeps her relatively stable.”

Fowlie was sentenced to a community order of 18 months, and ordered to pay £220 in fines and costs.

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