Your views on prospect of former South Shields MP David Miliband returning to UK politics

David Milband has refused to rule out a return to British frontline politics.David Milband has refused to rule out a return to British frontline politics.
David Milband has refused to rule out a return to British frontline politics.
Former South Shields MP David Miliband's refusal to rule out a return to British politics has divided readers in his old constituency.

Miliband was asked about his future while lamenting that the Labour Party were further from power than "at any stage in my lifetime".

Speaking to The Times about the prospect of returning to Britain from America and re-entering frontline politics, he said: "I honestly don't know what I'm going to do. "It's hard to see, but what's the point of saying never?"

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His comments and criticisms of Labour's current leader Jeremy Corbyn drew a varied response from online Gazette readers.

Paul Lovell said: "The Blairites destroyed Labour. They're responsible. They're not the saviours."

Ian Fowler added: "He's a Tory in a red tie. Part of the problem, not part of the solution. Spat his dummy out when his brother beat him in the leadership race rather than support the democratically elected leader. The Labour Party looks left because the centre ground of politics has moved so far to the right.

Ned Donda wrote: "The Blairites stole the Labour party and gave it to themselves. Corbyn is preventing the Blairites returning and trying to take it back to its roots. Do we want that lot back, maybe even Blair....He needs to hang on till after Brexit."

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Linda Wood added: "Miliband and Blair are only back in this country, probably because Mr Trump would be kicking them out anyway being immigrants, so they want to worm their way back in to our politics so the can cause more trouble."

Others were more supportive of the former South Shields MP and cabinet minister.

Lilian Cresswell said: "Absolutely! Please come back."

Alan Jobling added: "Yes soon as possible please. He must be better than Coco the Clown."

Rob Paris preferred Miliband to his brother, Ed, who was leader when the party lost the 2015 General Election, adding: "He should have been leader instead of Weird Ed and Labour would have gotten back into power. I can't believe how Labour have gotten things so wrong with Corbyn and the left. They have misjudged the electorate as a whole and put a man in who isn't liked or are his policies."