The unusual and adorable sleeping habits of dogs revealed in new survey of owners

Guide Dogs is raising awareness of the importance of sleep in the development of the nation’s puppies – encouraging midday siestas and a calm and quiet environment to relax in.

To highlight this, they surveyed 2,000 dog owners to find out about the positions our canine companions adopt for some shuteye - and the cute and sometimes embarrassing antics that go with it.

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Britain's dog owners think their canine companions typically sleeps for around nine hours per day.

The most common position is for the dog to be curled up (71 per cent), while 57 per cent lay on their back with their legs in the air.

But it's the strange locations where our dogs sleep which can raise an eyebrow.

While two thirds (67 per cent) choose the sensible route and sleep in their bed, one in 10 dogs has been found sleeping in a washing basket, while 24 per cent have chosen the arm of the armchair for a snooze.

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Sleeping positions

Overall, 73 per cent of respondents admitted they were baffled by some of the sleeping positions they find their dogs in.

And while they’re odd in some of their behaviours, they’re like clockwork with others – as two thirds (66 per cent) say their dog wakes up at the same time each morning to see them.