'Bring back Newcy Brown and you’ve got a cracker!' - Newcastle United fans react to the Magpies' 1969 Fairs Cup 50-year anniversary-inspired kit release

Newcastle United's new home kit for the 2019/20 season (via NUFC).Newcastle United's new home kit for the 2019/20 season (via NUFC).
Newcastle United's new home kit for the 2019/20 season (via NUFC).
Newcastle United released images of their new home kit for the 2019/20 season this morning and it’s fair to say the reaction has been mixed.

While some of you out there love it, there’s a fair share of fans who think the exact opposite.

The design of the kit is based, loosely on the shirt worn by the last Newcastle side to win a major trophy - 50 years on from the Fairs Cup winning side of 1969.

Here's a snapshot of your reaction to the release.

“Literally nothing like the heroes of 1969” - @Leerobson23

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“More interested in the takeover, the managerial position, incomings and outgoings than a football strip. Sort it out.” - @DavidL1980

“No Comment” - @beezer1506

“Won’t buy a strip, season ticket until you sort Rafa” - @johndavidrees

“Based on making money and taking us supporters for the usual ride!!! Like it though.” - @nrbatchelder

“Still coming with red lettering (wouldn't surprise me if this changes for the start of the season), and £65 for the fat bloke version. #NoThanks However £20 at the end of next season, I'll do that!” - @The_MartinX

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“I don't like the new #NUFC shirt at all. Looks like the sort of kit Tyneside used to have on Pro Evo. The sooner we get a new kit manufacturer, the better.” - @LawesDisorder

“I quite like our new shirt #NUFC but It would be a very easy decision to protest by not buying one...” - @northernersrock

“Great shirt design but, no shirt can look good with FUN88 slapped on it! Bring back Newcy Brown and you’ve got a cracker!” #NUFC - @Joenufc91

“If @NUFC and @pumafootball were serious about paying tribute to the 1969-tean they could've done a far better job. Aside from the stripes being bang wrong, the sponsor should've subtle and less intrusive (white with a black outline would've worked)” - @KitCrimes

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“They can jog on if they think I am buying this in the current situation of limbo!” - @stephen382

“Anybody got any idea where the arms have gone, in fact where's all the missing stripes?” - @jamiemohammed

“The new #NUFC home top looks a lot nicer than the leaks made it. Bit of a stretch linking it back to the Fairs Cup winning top only the collar works” - @TomJQuinn3

“Won't care what the new #NUFC strip looks like if we get an owner who cares about the club and its fans...” - @gsby

“Unpopular opinion - I love the new top #nufc” - @DeanRich4

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“I like the new #nufc home strip more than I was expecting but it doesn't really look that much like the 1969 Fairs Cup team that Puma claim its inspired by. Looks closer to the 2011/12 strip” - @chlcrk

“I'm a grown man.... So won't be letting the release of a new football kit I won't be wearing bother me... #JustSaying #NUFC” - @robiez1

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