These dentists around South Shields have all been assessed by the Care Quality CommissionThese dentists around South Shields have all been assessed by the Care Quality Commission
These dentists around South Shields have all been assessed by the Care Quality Commission | Other 3rd Party

These are the best dentists in South Shields - according to CQC inspections

A trip to the dentist isn't an activity that many enjoy and it can be something of a nerve-wracking experience, so you want to ensure you are in good hands.

These 12 dentists within a two mile radius of South Shields have all been assessed by the Care Quality Commission (CQC) based on five criteria: treating people with respect, providing care, treatment and support that meets patient needs, caring for people safely, staffing, and quality and suitability of management. If surgeries fail to meet appropriate standards on these criteria, they are ordered to make improvements. Those with good standards are not required to take any further action. This is how dentists in South Shields performed. The full reports can be viewed on the CQC website here.

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