It is indeed a mad world

In his recent letter M McArdle writes Hurrah for Donald Trump.

Next day I watched a programme called The Mad World of Donald Trump. Essential viewing for all those who admire him because ‘he tells it like it is’ – plays on the paranoia and fear of Americans, and causes outrage to Mexicans, Muslims, liberals, feminists and the disabled.

Most people have the sense not to say things they know will cause offence, but Mr Trump is rich and famous, and can say ridiculous things.

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Still, we live in a mad world where a man branded a murderer by a British judge rules in the Kremlin. Where the man who rules North Korea sets a pack of dogs on his uncle. Where the Labour leader says we can have nuclear submarines without warheads on the missiles.

So why not have Mr Trump’s finger on the nuclear button?

Charles Napier