South Tyneside community choir to celebrate their first year with Christmas on Broadway show

Choirmaster Founder and Director Adam AllinsonChoirmaster Founder and Director Adam Allinson
Choirmaster Founder and Director Adam Allinson
The community choir are celebrating their first year together with a festive show.

The glitz and glamour of the big stage will arrive into South Shields this weekend as 180 singers take to the stage at Brinkburn Community Association.

Choirmaster, based across South Tyneside will present their first Christmas concert to a full house on Saturday, December 7, performing two shows at 2.30pm and 7.30pm.

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The group, which was formed in February of this year, is made up entirely of local people from all across the region.

Choirmaster Founder and Director Adam AllinsonChoirmaster Founder and Director Adam Allinson
Choirmaster Founder and Director Adam Allinson

Founder and director Adam Allinson said: “This is the first time our singers have created and performed their own performance and we are incredibly proud of every single one of them.

“We launched Choirmaster with one aim in mind; to create the ultimate community choir and to bring people together through our love and passion for music. This performance is a celebration of everything we have achieved over this last year.

“This performance is a celebration of everything we have achieved over this last year.”

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Throughout the year, Choirmaster have performed at Proms In The Park, the Great North Run and produced a flashmob at Newcastle Central Station.

As well as performances, the group hold regular coffee mornings, social events and get involved with the South Tyneside community as much as possible.

Choirmaster also aims to be completely inclusive, opening themselves up to singers of all age and abilities.

The Choirmaster Christmas on Broadway show takes place on Saturday, December 7, at Brinkburn Community Association.